Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Volleyball vs. Sturgis Charter School
14.0 years ago @ 4:14AM
- Game Date
- Sep 24, 2010
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 3
The girls volleyball team is in the win column. The fans got to watch the Nauset Warriors play some solid volleyball in a 3 game win over Sturgis. Sturgis had three boys on the team which made for an interesting battle in which the "all girl team" won. Makayla Allen had 3 kills!! At 5' nuthing (kidding) that's an accomplishment. Kayla Smith had 5 kills along with 6 serving aces. Molly McGrath had 4 kills with limited minutes . Setters Amber Smith, Jaime Firth and Emma O'dell had a total of 19 assists for the squad. Paige Johnson had a kill, with only two attacks that's a 50% kill/attack ratio, impressive if she continues that way. Abby Grattan did a fine job in the back row and actually played some middle in the front, her quickness is going to become a factor as she progresses. Mckenzie Abraham is covering the floor very well allowing few if any balls in her area to hit the wood. She also had 5 attacks with a kill. As we continue to improve the fans will give us an added boost as they continue to grow also.