Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Sandwich HS School

14.0 years ago @ 3:02PM
Game Date
Sep 21, 2010
WARRIORSNauset High School: 21

Nauset Women Warriors pull off another WIN! in XC action @ Sandwich Sept. 21, 2010

A HILLY, rocky 2.9 course. Great for spectators however, as we could see the runners several times throughout the race.


Leading the way for the Nauset Warriors was Sr. captain Robyn Argo. Despite running with a mild fever, Robyn managed to pull off a 20:33. Second place went to Sr. capt Sarah Knop who finished close behind in 20:44.  Super star new comer Jenny Leyton hung tight with the front runners and finished just :8 sec behind Sandwich's top runner of the meet, Grace Barter.  Grace was third while Jenny had the close fourth.

Sr. Capt Marina Wells slid in to the #6 spot with her usual sprint finish!

Haley Van Ness rounded out the scoring for Nauset and placed 8th with a great overall performance. She snuck in under the 23 min mark as well.


Other runners dropping SIGNIFICANT time from last meet were:

Margaret Clancy, Julia Renaud and Leslie Travers

Solid performances were had by Cassidy Bissell, Ally Kemp, Nicole Kumiega, Emer Valdez, Addie Boyd, Katie Whelan

Overall- Great team effort on a challenging course! Keep up the good work.

Next stop...Marshfield...away Tues. Sept. 28


Missing today was Irene Lynch due to illness.