Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Sandwich HS

10.0 years ago @ 4:37AM
Game Date
Sep 23, 2014
WARRIORSNauset High School: 21

Sandwich, MA (2.7)

The Nauset Girls Cross Country team defeated Sandwich High School in ACL action on Tues Sept. 23rd 21-35.

Head turning performances were had by Coralea Geraniotis, Alison Burns, Callie Schadt and Olivia Bois as they turned in the top 4 spots overall beating Sandwich's #1 and #2 runners in a tight showdown. Geraniotis led from start to finish setting a comfortable pace in the early minutes before turning on the jets to cross the line in 17:55. Burns (18:17) was impressive again securing the #2 spot on the day- giving herself a nice position for the upcoming ACL all-star selections. Schadt (18:30) and Bois (18:33) had the closest races of the day sprinting down the home stretch to beat out top Sandwich runners: Lily Barter (18:35) and Kylie McCartney (18:37).

New comer Alexis Comeau placed 11th overall and crossed the line as Nauset's 5th runner (19:26) helping to secure the Nauset victory. Many personal best performances were achieved including Georgia Benz and Emily Wall who both landed in the "top 20" on the day. Over 70 female runners competed!

Nauset hosts Barnstable on Monday Sept. 29th.













Nauset hosts Barnstable on Monday Sept.29th.