Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Barnstable HS School

10.0 years ago @ 3:10PM
Game Date
Sep 29, 2014
WARRIORSNauset High School: 15

The Nauset girls XC team had a convincing 15-50 win over Barnstable High School as they placed 8 runners in the top 10 spots overall. Coralea Geraniotis shaved :30 seconds off her previous mark this season crossing the line first in 18:59 . Alison Burns 20:26, Maddie Nobili 20:48, Callie Schadt 20:52 and Olivia Bois 21:18 placed 2nd -5th respectively. Barnstable grabbed the #6 spot and then it was Nauset again taking 7th (Casey Taber 22:28), 8th (Georgia Benz 22:34) and 9th (Alexis Comeau 22:36).

Despite the humid conditions the girls ran well and many PR's were posted. The girls are excited to continue on their undefeated streak.

Next up...Marshfield AWAY