Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Barnstable HS School

9.0 years ago @ 4:57AM
Game Date
Sep 9, 2015

Madaket Nobili, Callie Schadt and Olivia Bois showcased experience while Emily Wall displayed a gutsy performance in the first XC meet of the season helping the Warriors secure a victory against Barnstable 23-33 on the road. On what felt like the hottest day of the year, the Nauset GXC team found a way to beat a very improved Barnstable raiders XC team. The dynamic trio: Nobili, Schadt and Bois ran a strategic and hard fought race as they paced the first 2 and half miles with Barnstable's 2 top runners....(all holding a sub 7 min pace)  With a little more than a half mile to go, the Nauset trio started their kick and never looked back. Nobili crossed the line first in 21:21, then it was Schadt and Bois respectively with a 21:22. Barnstable grabbed the next 2 spots and then it was Nauset's Emily Wall that secured the #6 position also setting a personal best time of 22:34 in the process. Wall played a key role in the teams victory with her outstanding performance and final kick that out paced Barnstable's Emma Garrity by a slim 3 seconds. Despite the heat, impressive runs also came from newcomer Hannah Brunelle (#5 runner in for Nauset), Rebecca Dawley (#6) and Alexis Comeau (#7).