Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Dennis Yarmouth HS School
9.0 years ago @ 4:14PM
- Game Date
- Sep 22, 2015
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 25
A marvelous performance by the Nauset Girls XC team as they beat DY 25-31 on the road.
Callie Schadt, Madaket Nobili and Olivia Bois took care of business placing 1, 2, 3 ( 16:32, 16:33, 16:34) as they beat out top DY runner Sydney McCann who ran with the three some the entire way. The Nauset girls kicked hard into the final straight away beating McCann by just 3 seconds. Also running with fire today was Emily Wall who ran a PB posting a 17:19 for the 2.69 mile course. Wall was the #4 girl in for Nauset while Hannah Brunelle grabbed the #5 position (18:08)
Alexis Comeau, Rebecca Dawley, Sarah Chase, Christine Burns and Georgia Benz were the next 4 runners in for Nauset as they placed 14th-18th overall.
This was a tremendous victory for Nauset as DY was "the team to beat" in the ACL line-up this season.
Congrats Nauset Warriors GXC