Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Sturgis East Charter School
9.0 years ago @ 2:54PM
- Game Date
- Oct 7, 2015
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 19
The Nauset girls won on the road today 19-36 as they traveled to the Bayberry Hills country club in West Yarmouth to race Sturgis. Madaket Nobili set a new course record (21:09) as her team mates Callie Schadt and Olivia Bois placed close behind in 21:15, and 21:28. Sturgis took 4th, and 5th, while Nauset's Emily Wall placed 6th in 22:22 followed by Hannah Brunelle in 22:48 (7th)
Also running well today was Rebecca Dawley (11th), Sarah Chase (12th) and Hannah Bryant (14th)
?The girls remain undefeated and are starting to close in on the ACL title. The girls need to get past both Falmouth and Marshfield!!!