Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. ST. JOHN PAUL II HS SCHOOL, MA
8.0 years ago @ 10:27AM
- Game Date
- Oct 20, 2016
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 15
The Nauset GXC team took the first seven places to win the 2016 Homecoming match against St. John Paul II 15-50. Tara Ellard crossed the line first in 20:54 followed by Emily Wall 21:55, Olivia Bois 22:18, Hannah Brunelle 22:53, Joy Trudel 23:01, Rebekah Pranga 23:07 and Sonja Berquist 23:04. Seven runners recorded personal best times on the 3.1 mile course in the season's home finale: Brunelle, Trudel, Pranga, Berquist, Kaitlyn Taylor, Amber Gong and Lille Gaeta. It was also a farewell to the seniors: Olivia Bois, Emily Wall, Becca Dawley, Lille Gaeta, Georgia Benz, Amber Gong and Bella Thomas. A special thanks to Mrs. Amy Benz, and runners Tara Ellard and Madaket Nobili for helping coach Katie with the senior gifts!
Next up for the Lady Warriors: League Champs at Sandwich HS. Saturday Oct. 29th