Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. POPE JOHN PAUL II HS SCHOOL, MA
7.0 years ago @ 6:29PM
- Game Date
- Oct 13, 2017
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 15
The Pope John Paul meet was a win for Nauset 15-50 as Pope John forfeited the meet.
And while that might seem like rain on the GXC homecoming parade, all was not lost as Riverview HS
saved homecoming and traveled the distance to Nauset on short notice. The girls used the meet as a tune up for the ACL showdown which took place on Oct. 17.
A big thanks to Riverview for being flexible and giving Nauset an extra win to put into the record books! They get the Sportsmanship award from Nauset that's for sure!!