Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Cross Country- Eastern MA Divisional Champs

7.0 years ago @ 8:13AM
Game Date
Nov 11, 2017

Wrentham, MA

Nov. 11, 2017

     Sr. Madaket Nobili led the Nauset GXC team to a second place finish at the Eastern, MA State Sectionals and a ticket to the All-State meet on November 18th.

In Shalane Flanagan style, Nobili never looked back and didn't let her lead in the last mile of the race slip through her fingers. Nobili earned the Div. 4 title and beat top Westwood runner, Ashley Walker, by 10 seconds. Her hard work and determination over the past four years led her to this well deserved moment.

Nobili posted an 18:30 on the 5k course while her senior cohort, Tara Ellard, was close behind placing 3rd overall in 18:53. Ellard and Nobili have been a dangerous and unstoppable combination all season. They are two of the finest female runners in the state and look to turn heads at next weeks All-State meet. Also running a very impressive race was freshman runner Izzy Nobili. Izzy placed 9th overall and clocked a 19:43, helping to secure the teams qualifying spot to States. Rachel Pranga and Ella Kelly rounded out the next two scoring positions for Nauset. While slightly off their times due to nerves and recent sickness, Pranga and Kelly will reload this week and gear up for what coach Katie McCully hopes to be a historic performance for the Nauset GXC team. Stay tuned!!!