Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Barnstable HS School
6.0 years ago @ 6:45PM
- Game Date
- Sep 11, 2018
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 17
Eastham- 3.1 mile course
Nauset earned its second straight win thanks to the efforts of Abby Farrell, Capt. Izzy Nobili and Ella Kelly who crossed the line in 1-2-3. Farrell (21:42) and Nobili (21:43) led the race with Barnstable's Tatiana Dunne (22:49) close behind going into the first mile. Kelly (21:45) kept the trio in sight and made her move in the wooded trail passing Dunne before the 2 mile mark. The three Nauset speedsters worked hard together despite the oppressive heat. Capt. Hannah Brunelle had a great race as well taking 5th place in 23:16. Makayla Hutchinson (23:38) placed 6th, beating out Barnstable's #2 runner, Jasmine Rose (23:47). In addition, Maddie Kelly (24:17)- 8th, Rebekah Pranga (24:39)- 9th, and Leah Hoopes (26:18)- 13th all ran well for the Nauset Warriors.