Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Junior Varsity Soccer

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls JV Soccer vs. Falmouth HS

10.0 years ago @ 5:33PM
Game Date
Oct 6, 2014
WARRIORSNauset High School: 3

Nauset JV played one of the most powerful games of the season against Falmouth defeating them 3-1.

Nauset played a fast paced game surprising Falmouth with their beautiful passing combinations, speed to the ball and powerful counterattacks that continued to exhaust Falmouth's defense.  

Samantha Gordon returned after a two week break due to injuries to score a hat trick for Nauset.  Her first two goals came in the first half at 30 minutes into the game with a beautiful long ball from midfield by Michele Coons (defensive back).  Her second goal was 4 minutes later with a beautiful fake and shot to the near post. Her third goal was in the second half with a perfect pass at the top of the box from Ellie Hartmann which Samantha captured and outmaneuvered 3 defenders into the six to nail it in the back of the net securing Nauset's win.

As a coach, there are not many games I can declare every player on my team played their best game .... but this game is the exception.  We played amazing as individuals and as a team and anyone watching the game today can agree - it was exhilarating!

Standout Players: THE ENTIRE TEAM!!!