Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls JV Soccer vs. Monomoy Regional HS School
10.0 years ago @ 2:46AM
- Game Date
- Oct 10, 2014
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 6
Nauset delivered a strong performance against Monomoy with a 6-0 win. Samantha Gordon scored two goals in the first half. Her first was a beautiful pass from Lauren McGrath from inside the box which Samantha hammered in the back of the net at 3:30 minutes into the game. Her second goal came from a flicked pass by Kiley Vitale from the far right corner of the box and Samantha was positioned perfectly infront of the goal to nail it in the corner.
Ellie Hartmann scored two goals for Nauset in the first half and dominated with her speed throughout the game. Her first goal was a pass from Lauren McGrath to Ellie at the top left corner of the box that she hit perfectly to surprise the goalie at 13:00 minutes into the game. Her second goal was in the last few minutes of the first half, again a ball from Lauren McGrath inside the six that Ellie hit one touch into the net.
Alexandra Wall (defensive back) scored Nauset's 5th goal at 30:00 minutes into the second half with an amazing run from Nauset's defensive side of the field, full speed down the right sideline, blowing through 3 Monomoy defenders to a 1v1 with the goalie and nailed the ball in the far left corner of the goal.
Nauset's final goal was with two minutes left to play, when Kiley Vitale found Caroline Donoghue inside the box and Caroline shot a beautiful goal to end the game.
Nauset dominated the game with beautiful passing combinations and their speed to the ball. Jamie Rushnak, Monomoy's goalie, played a great game in goal recording over a dozen saves.
Standout Players: Lauren McGrath (offense), Kiley Vitale (offense), Samantha Gordon (offense), Ellie Hartmann (midfield), Caroline Donoghue (midfield), Alex Wall (defense)