Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Boys Varsity Basketball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Nauset Boys Basketball take many positives out of overtime loss!

12.0 years ago @ 3:04AM
Game Date
Dec 20, 2012
WARRIORSNauset High School: 55

Nauset: The Nauset Warriors and Plymouth South Panthers played an exciting and emotional overtime battle last night. The Nauset Warriors lost in overtime, but the lessons and experience from this game will go a long way in the development of this team and the whole Nauset Boys Basketball program. This group of boys left every bit of effort on the court last night!

The Nauset Warriors started flat on offense and let the Panthers jump to an early 19-7 lead. The Warriors than took control for the next 2 quarters. The suffocating defense by Seniors Kingsley Samuels, Jamie Law, Colby Frodel and Sophomore Razz Green was the biggest reason for the turnaround. Nauset led at halftime by a score of 30 -21. The second quarter was led offensively by Samuels who had 5 points (1-3pointer) and Jamie Law 4 points.

The third quarter started like the 2nd quarter ended. Nauset played great defense and fast break style offense. They were led again by Samuels 6 points (2-3pointers), Razz Green 8 points(1- 3-pointer)and Colby Frodel 5 points (1-3pointer). Nauset was up 17 points late in the 3rd quarter.

The Panthers of Plymouth South clawed back in the game with some key 3 point shooting. Plymouth South tied the game with 15 seconds remaining and took that momentum into overtime. Plymouth South won in overtime 60-55.

Nauset boys basketball is going through a process and they took a huge step last night. They have played with great Effort, Heart and Attitude. They played great offense for 2 quarters. The Goal/Motto of this program will always be 4-quarters. Play intense, play smart and play with heart for 4 quarters!!!

The Nauset Boys play tonight in Harwich against Monomoy High School. This is their chance to continue the process. They took a huge step forward last night.