Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Mashpee HS School Stripes Tournament
12.0 years ago @ 2:42AM
- Game Date
- Dec 27, 2012
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 67
Nauset: The Warriors of Nauset continued their improvement last night. They battled undefeated Mashpee to the last second. The visiting Mashpee team was led by #2 Cody Hendricks on their way to a 69-67 thrilling win.
Nauset opened the game well with a 13-11 first quarter lead. Kingsley Samuels led the first quarter scoring with 6 points. The halftime score was Mashpee 33-29.
Nauset had a great 3 quarter run with a 52-48 lead. Their 3rd quarter charge was led by Senior Colby Frodel who had 2 -3 pointers.
The game came down to the final seconds when Faouzi Talabi missed a contested 3 pointer to win the game.
Overall a great effort against a quality opponent.