Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. MARTHAS VINEYARD REG HS
12.0 years ago @ 5:26AM
- Game Date
- Dec 29, 2012
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 29
The Lady Warriors lost to Martha's Vineyard (6-0) in the Championship game of the Stripes Holiday Tournament held at Mashpee. Despite the Nauset girls' basketball team's outstanding defense in the first half, which kept Martha Vineyard to only 22 points, the Warriors (12 points at the half) struggled with turnovers and to generate offense. Kristen Brown led Nauset with 8 points, while Carolyn Brooks (6 points) and Caitlin Schadt (4 points, 8 rebounds) contributed as well. Freshmen Callie Schadt made her varsity debut at the point and infused the Warrior effort with 5 steals, 6 rebounds, and three assists.