Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Basketball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Basketball Defeats Whitinsville Christian School

12.0 years ago @ 1:35PM
Game Date
Jan 26, 2013
WARRIORSNauset High School: 45

Over a long week of basketball with four games, the Nauset Girls' Varsity Basketball team earned 3 wins to bring its record to 4-11. The team's fourth win came Saturday afternoon against Whitinsville Christian School, 45-35. Nauset led at the half 27-18, and the team was able to hold off various runs that Whitinsville made at them. Carolyn Brooks and Callie Schadt lead the Warriors with 11 points each, with Brooks adding 5 assists, 4 steals, and 6 deflections and Schadt grabbing 6 boards.  Brittany Silva contributed two three's and a free throw in the first half before going out with a knee injury and Kayla Smith added 6 points as well. Caitlin Schadt punctuated her week of strong rebounding for the Warriors as she ripped down 11 rebounds, caused 2 steals and 3 deflections. Nauset hosts Plymouth South next Tuesday at 6:30 pm.