Game Summaries & Headlines.
CoEd Varsity Sailing vs. Monomoy Regional HS School
8.0 years ago @ 8:22PM
- Game Date
- Apr 6, 2016
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 3
Nauset Sailing got off to a good start with a win over Monomy in the first meet of the season. Nauset won three of three races. In race 1. Nauset placed 1,2,4 while Monomy place 3,5,6. In race 2, Nauset placed 1,2,3 wile Monomy placed 4,5,6. In race 3 Nauset placed 2,3,4 while Monomy placed 1,5,6.
Skippers Sam Spiegel and Christain Lynch sailed all three races with crews Katie Codair and Sarah Gribbin respectively. Tim Burns skippered with crew Emory Abar in races 1 and 2 and Skipper Aiden Biondi and crew Dan Kellyraced in the third and final win for Nauset.