Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Golf vs. Monomoy Regional HS School
8.0 years ago @ 10:56AM
- Game Date
- Apr 12, 2016
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 0
On a cold rainy day vs. a tough Monomoy golf team the Nauset girls lost their match 6-0 at Eastward Ho Country Club. Despite the score the team remained upbeat and took away several positives. First time golfer Teresa Silvestri had a bogey on the second hole and Rae Gainey playing in only her second match had a par on hole #3! Golfers, Corinne Monger, Tori Sci, Caroline Codair, Sammi Higgins, Rae Gainey and Helen Gainey all won or tied holes in their matches.