Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Golf vs. Falmouth HS School
8.0 years ago @ 12:07PM
- Game Date
- Apr 25, 2016
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 4
Last season the Falmouth Clippers won both matches with Nauset 6 - 0. This year in the home match with Falmouth Nauset won 4 - 2! Nauset's #1 Corinne Monger and #2 Tori Sci both lost which put Nauset into a hole early and which the coaches felt would be very difficult to overcome. Then the other matches started coming in. In the end Nauset won three matches, #3 Caroline Codair, #4 Rae Gainey, and #5 Helen Gainey all 1 up which means they won it on the last hole of their matches. The fourth win was by our #6 golfer Teresa Silvestri 3-2! It was her first match win. Two matches that don't show up on the official record unless needed, are the tie breaker matches, #7 and #8. In a particular good match #7 Michelle Pecoaro won her first match 2 up but she won it with 6 double pars. Anything over a double par is recorded as an X and because she didn't have X's she won the match. It is easy to give up as you approach the X on any given hole but Michelle didn't and it payed off.
The picture included in this summary is of our senior Captain, Caroline Codair.