Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Golf vs. Dennis Yarmouth HS School
8.0 years ago @ 12:17PM
- Game Date
- Apr 27, 2016
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 4
D - Y came to Captains and in another exciting match Nauset won 4 - 2! Matches were won by #1 Corinne Monger, #2 Tori Sci, #3 Helen Gainey, #4 Rae Gainey, and #7 Lizz Czech. For Lizz it was her first win and was important because the result came down to the wire and could have easily been tied and she would have had the tiebreaker. The girls are really coming into their own and fighting for every hole in the matches.
The picture included is the team ready to head out and take on D - Y.