Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Track vs. Sturgis East Charter School
9.0 years ago @ 5:37AM
- Game Date
- Apr 28, 2015
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 83
The boys won there track meet with Sturgis 83-37. Akeem Atkinson won 4 events, the long jump 16'8", the triple jump 36'1", the 100 with a state qualifying time of 11.2 and the 4x100 with Nate Overton, Mente Kerse and Devin Carastraro.
Nate Overton won the 200 with a state qualifying time of 23.1. Colin Nobili won the high jump with 5'0" Jordan Dash won the 800 with 2:14 Travis Kilkis won the shot with 31'3" and Brandon Hooper won the Discus with 81'4" and the javelin with 121'10" The warriors next meet is Tuesday, May 5 at home with Marshfield.