Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Track

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Track vs. Tri-Meet

12.0 years ago @ 4:33AM
Game Date
Apr 10, 2012
WARRIORSNauset High School: 66

 NORTH EASTHAM — Amanda Henson qualified for states in the 100 meters with a time of 12.9 seconds in Barnstable's dual girls track victories over Nauset (77-58) and Harwich (84-52) on the road Tuesday.

Henson also took first in the 200 with a time of 27.2.

Morgan Richard was the Red Raiders top point earner, with victories in the 800 (2:34.7) and long jump (14-9) and a second in the discus (72-3).

Julia Grover took first in the mile (6:10) as well as the 400 hurdles (76.0). Meghan Mamlock took first in the discus (82 feet) and the high jump (4-8). Barnstable advances to 2-1 and will compete again April 24th at Taunton.

Nina Putnam, Coralea Geraniotis and Jenny Leyton each won an event for the Warriors in losses to the Red Raiders and the unified team of Harwich/Chatham/Cape Tech.

Putnam won the 100 hurdles in 17.02 while Leyton won the 400 hurdles in 72.0 and Geraniotis won the 800 in 2:32 for Nauset.