Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Track

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Girls Varsity Track vs. Falmouth HS School

12.0 years ago @ 4:21AM
Game Date
May 15, 2012
WARRIORSNauset High School: 39


Falmouth 82, Nauset 39

FALMOUTH — Erin Womboldt won three individual events and was a member of the winning 4x100 relay team as the Clippers defeated the Warriors in the Atlantic Coast League meet.

Womboldt won the long jump (16-2), triple jump (32-3) and the 100-meter hurdles (15.9). Freshman Lexi Johnson was double-winner for Falmouth (4-4), capturing both the 100-meter dash (12.6) and 200-meter dash (27.1).

Other winners for the Clippers were Lily Josephs in the high jump (4-10), Megan Burke in the discus (81-0) and Lauren O'Neil in the two-mile (12:32). Nauset had first place finishes from Jenny Leyton in the 400 hurdles (70.3), Katie Sullivan in the shotput (27-3), Coralea Geraniotis in the mile (5:32) and Molly Crowell in the 400-meter run.