Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Middleboro Invitational Tournament

14.0 years ago @ 3:19PM
Game Date
Jan 1, 2011
WARRIORSNauset High School: 0

Rob Berry Memorial Tournament

  • Peter Hennigan (4-0 at 160 pounds) and Captain Brendan Battles-Santos (4-0 at 215 pounds) each took home first place medals. 
  • Battles-Santos was also named the tournament's Outstanding Wrestler, as voted on by the coaches. 
  • Nauset placed third in the 11 team double entry tournament, finishing with 189 points, behind Norton (218 points) and Oliver Ames (200 points)
  • Other Nauset placefinishers:
    • 2nd: Nick Prisco (189)
    • 3rd: Captain Duncan Howes (140), Eli Enos (152), Marshall Kennedy (171), Jordan Fowler (285)
    • 4th: Joey Battista (135), Jarrod Olson (145)
    • 5th:  Bubba Kaplan (171), Austin Fiero (189)
    • 6th:  Connor Williams (215)