Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Cohasset Invitational Tournament
14.0 years ago @ 2:04AM
- Game Date
- Jan 8, 2011
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 0
Nauset placed 3rd as a team with 164 points, behind Holliston (228) and Tri-County (189).
Nauset had five finalists:
- Champions: 130 pounds Joey Battista (3-0, all via pin) and Captain Brendan Battles-Santos (3-0)
- 2nd place: 140 pounds Jarrod Olson (2-1), 145 pounds Chris Parkington (2-1), and Heavyweight Jordan Fowler (2-1)
Finishing with a fourth place at 160 pounds Peter Hennigan (2-2).