Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Northbridge Invitational Tournament
14.0 years ago @ 2:45AM
- Game Date
- Jan 15, 2011
- Score
- WARRIORSNauset High School: 0
Nauset placed 4th as a team at the 21-team Northbridge Invitational Tournament despite missing seven of fourteen starters.
- Toll Gate 167.5 points
- Josiah Quicy 153.5 points
- Worcester Vocational 146.5 points
- Nauset Regional 143 points
- Tri-County 141 points
Nauset had 3 finalists and 1 champion
- 215 Brendan Battles-Santos Champion, also named Outstanding Wrestler, as voted on by the coaches
- 130 Joey Battista 2nd place (lost 3-2 in the 4th overtime period of the finals)
- 189 Nick Prisco 2nd place
Other place finishers include
- 145 Chris Parkington, 3rd place
- 140 Jarrod Olson4th place
- 160 Nick Daley 4th place
- 152 Eli Enos 5th place