Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Northbridge Invitational Tournament

14.0 years ago @ 2:45AM
Game Date
Jan 15, 2011
WARRIORSNauset High School: 0

Nauset placed 4th as a team at the 21-team Northbridge Invitational Tournament despite missing seven of fourteen starters. 

  1. Toll Gate 167.5 points
  2. Josiah Quicy 153.5 points
  3. Worcester Vocational 146.5 points
  4. Nauset Regional 143 points
  5. Tri-County 141 points

Nauset had 3 finalists and 1 champion

  • 215 Brendan Battles-Santos Champion, also named Outstanding Wrestler, as voted on by the coaches
  • 130 Joey Battista 2nd place (lost 3-2 in the 4th overtime period of the finals)
  • 189 Nick Prisco 2nd place

Other place finishers include

  • 145 Chris Parkington, 3rd place
  • 140 Jarrod Olson4th place
  • 160 Nick Daley 4th place
  • 152 Eli Enos 5th place