Nauset Athletics

Nauset Regional High School - Home of the Warriors

Girls Varsity Field Hockey

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Warrior Pride Training Camp 2017

Updated on 06/10/2022 | Katie Ilkovich


Warrior Pride Training Camp Registration is Open!  Dates are July 3rd-August 17th with a testing/orientation day on Wednesday, June 28th. The registration page can be accessed by going to and searching for Nauset. Cost of camp is $225. Payment can be made directly through FamilyID/Paypal or by check payable to Warrior Pride Strength and mailed to NRHS-Attn Ryan Komich, PO Box 1887, North Eastham, MA 02651.

Are Your Goggles Legal?

Updated on 06/10/2022

Check out this guideline.  

Are Your Goggles Legal?
Goggles [brand/name] ITEM CODE Field Hockey ASTM 2713 Women's Lacrosse ASTM 3077-14 Youth Lacrosse ASTM 3077-14
Bangerz Elite LHSE Approved Approved Approved
Bangerz Sunglass Eyeguard LHS7900 -- Approved Approved
Bangerz Goggle LHPG -- -- --
Bangerz Sleek Fitting Eyeguard LHS5500 -- -- --
Bangerz Sleek Fitting Eyeguard Youth LHS6000Y Approved Approved Approved
Bangerz Over the Glasses LHOGG -- -- Approved
STX 2 SEE Pro TI Dual Sport Goggle STXGFTP Approved Approved Approved
STX 2 SEE Dual Sport Goggle STXFHG Approved Approved Approved
STX 2 SEE YOUTH Dual Sport Goggle STXFHGY Approved Approved Approved
STX Rookie Goggle LSGGLXR Approved Approved Approved


Eye Protection
American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM sports standards are extremely effective. There have been no reported blinding eye injuries to any player wearing an appropriate protector certified to one of the above standards, despite extensive exposure. We estimate the number of protected player-years experienced to date at 15 million or hockey, 4 million for racket sports, 1 million for youth baseball, and 500,000 for paintball. We can assure patients that the risk of eye injury with a protector that passes an appropriate ASTM standard is very low. It is safer for a one-eyed patient to play hockey with a certified facemask than to play badminton with no eye protection.

  • ASTM F803-99 Eye protectors for selected sports (racket sports, women's lacrosse, baseball, basketball, field hockey).
  • ASTM F513-95 Eye and face protective equipment for hockey players
  • ASTM F659-92 High impact resistant eye protective devices for alpine skiing
  • ASTM F910-92 Face guards for youth baseball
  • ASTM F1776-97 Eye protectors for use by players of paintball sports
  • ASTM F1587-96 Head and face protective equipment for ice hockey goaltenders

Only protectors certified to an ASTM standard by an independent testing laboratory should be used in sports.

For sports with no standard at this time (for instance soccer and rugby), a minimal eye protector requirement should be ASTM F803 for squash.


There are several companies that sell sports eyewear which has not been tested to an ASTM standard.


The Hockey Equipment Certification Council (HECC) was formed in 1978. A HECC seal indicates that a protector has been tested to an ASTM standard and that the manufacturer has had quality control certified by an independent testing laboratory.


All hockey head and face protectors must bear the HECC seal.


The Protective Eyewear Certification Council (PECC) became operational in 1999. PECC certifies that the protector has been tested to an ASTM standard and that the manufacturer has had quality control certified by an independent testing laboratory.


Players should wear sports eye protectors that bear the PECC seal. Otherwise, the manufacturer should be asked to present proof of independent testing.

August 1998 revision. These guideline reflect our perception of the state-of -the-art at this time, and are subject to change as more information becomes available, standards are revised, and products are developed. Adherence to these guidelines will greatly diminish - but not completely eliminate - the risk of serious eye injury.

Paul Vinger, M.D., Michael Easterbrook, M.D., Thomas Woods, Optician

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